Diagonal Lattice

215-1, 215-2, 215-3, 215-4, 215-5, 215-6, 215-8
1', 2', 3', 4', 5', 6', 8' Diagonal Heavy Lattice Fence Panels
Boards: 1″ x 2″
Spacing: Between 2″ and 2-1/8″
Species: White Cedar
Nailing: Nailed and Stapled
Nails: Spiral Aluminum Nails / Galv Staples
Width: 96″ Actual
Rails: All 1″ x 2″ White Cedar
Optional: Lattice w/ Fascia Top and Bottom
Gates: Matching gates available. Please CALL for more information
IMPORTANT! Fascia boards can be ordered individually or added during the manufacturing process (additional charges may apply). When requesting fascia boards for any section or topper, – you must specify the quantity and location (TOP/BOTTOM, FRONT/BACK) at the time of your order.)

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